Scientist working in a laboratory

    We work with entrepreneurs at the frontier of changing lives through drug discovery. Whether you are focused on creating new medicines or progressing a new innovative technology, our team can assist you with your project.

    Our exceptional people combine their expertise with the very best technology. We apply patient and market insights to determine the quickest, safest and most effective way to develop new medicines.​

    We ask the right questions at the right time and validate your ideas through our expertise, data, insights and technology to create a roadmap for commercial success.

    We can help you to develop and deliver your project strategy, provide industrial medicines discovery expertise, undertake cutting-edge laboratory work to deliver data critical for decision-making and Virtual R&D services as required, helping you safeguard the future of your IP.

    By empowering you to operate at this scale and pace, we accelerate your progress, reduce risk, and save you time, money, and effort.

    We can work with you in various ways:

    Shared Risk and Reward

    We routinely build consortia who work with us to address specific shared problems or to prove new techniques in multiple settings. We work in risk-share collaborations with partners who gain from our unique help and where we share in the value of the outcome.

    Unlock Innovation through Collaborative Partnerships & Co-Development

    We specialise in fostering innovation through collaborative partnerships and co-development. By connecting diverse stakeholders across the ecosystem and tapping into non-dilutive funding sources such as grants, we help accelerate joint R&D projects from concept to breakthrough.

    Our strength lies in identifying the right partners and funding opportunities while navigating the complexities of the grant application process. This enables us to support joint initiatives that have the potential to overcome key barriers in drug discovery or address critical unmet patient needs.

    Contracted Fee-for-Service Projects

    We can adopt a fee-for-service model when you need managed access to our skills and assets and cannot get them commercially elsewhere.

    Signposting and Connecting

    We have a deep knowledge of the national landscape across public and private sectors, so we can help you find the right partner, collaborator, advisor or supplier who can deliver what you need.

    We have helped over 300 businesses generate over £1 billion of R&D investment. Speak to us to see how we can help make your next move count.

    Speak to Us

    We can help support you with your next drug discovery project.