We apply high-quality scientific skills and resources to drive the proof and adoption of valuable new tools and techniques. These are targeted to improve success rates across all stages of medicines R&D from new ideas to proof of concept in patients.
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From your first engagement with us, we will work with you to understand the commercial and scientific potential of your assets and ideas. Our team will then help you identify the best route to proving, protecting and applying your asset, with any services and support you need.
We work with our partners in a range of different models:
Shared Risk and Reward
We routinely build consortia who work with us to address specific shared problems or to prove new techniques in multiple settings.
We work in risk-share collaborations with partners who gain from our unique help and where we share in the value of the outcome.
Joint Grant Applications for Collaborative R&D Funding
We identify funding opportunities for many of our collaborative projects. For non-dilutive funding, we have specialist grant writing expertise to work with you in crafting top-quality grant applications.
We also have a strong network of VC companies looking for new opportunities that we have helped to de-risk.
Contracted Fee-for-Service Projects
Where you need managed access to our skills and assets and cannot get them commercially elsewhere we can adopt a fee-for-service model.
Signposting and Connecting
We have a deep knowledge of the national landscape across public and private sectors, so we can help you find the right partner, collaborator, advisor or supplier who can deliver what you need.