Webinar – Developing a Biomarker Strategy

MDC Connects Webinar Series

Biomarker scientist looking at a well plate in a laboratory.

Webinar – Developing a Biomarker Strategy from MDC Connects, a series of informative webinars covering the drug discovery process, from our own experts and experts at our CRO network partners.

A common theme throughout our MDC Connects series is that of building confidence in a hypothesis and improving the chances of success in the clinic. To achieve success, the project team needs to understand the key clinical questions and build testable and scientific evidence throughout the preclinical phase employing a clear biomarker strategy. The biomarkers used to transition from the preclinical into the clinical setting will ensure development of robust clinical studies, enabling the monitoring of effects and an understanding of the outcomes.

In this webinar, Gayle Marshall from MDC to sets out the importance of thinking about biomarkers early in your drug discovery project and defining a clear biomarker strategy to address a range of clinical questions. Helen Hind from MDC outlines the importance of clinical samples in R&D and how to access them and finally Russell Garland from Charles River Laboratories discusses biomarkers in the context of immunology and provides examples of how biomarkers can be identified and measured using different platforms and what does validation of a biomarker look like.


YouTube Video


Designing a biomarker strategy at MDC

The challenges of accessing clinical samples at MDC

Biomarker identification: Assessing immune function at Charles River Laboratories

About the author

Gayle Marshall is Lead Scientist for Biomarkers at MDC. She has extensive experience in clinical and pre-clinical biomarkers, previously leading a translational science laboratory team within large pharma. At MDC, she is responsible for delivering biomarker strategies and developing robust assays for clinical utility through delivering key data to support clinical development.