Webinar – Drug Repositioning for COVID-19
This seminar forms part of the AI3SD Online Seminar Series. In this seminar, Prof. John P. Overington briefly provides an overview of drug repositioning as a general strategy, and the focussed application of core concepts towards the treatment of COVID-19. Recording
Webinar – Developing a Biomarker Strategy
Webinar – Developing a Biomarker Strategy from MDC Connects, a series of informative webinars covering the drug discovery process, from our own experts and experts at our CRO network partners. A common theme throughout our MDC Connects series is that of building confidence in a hypothesis and improving the chances of success in the clinic. […]
Webinar – Is my Compound Safe?
MDC Connects is a series of informative webinars covering the drug discovery process, from our own experts and experts at our CRO network partners. Safety plays a huge part during preclinical development, and any drug must be extensively tested to regulatory standards before approval to test in humans. Safety-related hazards can arise from target-mediated risk, […]
Webinar – Target Validation and Efficacy
MDC Connects is a series of informative webinars covering the drug discovery process, from our own experts and experts at our CRO network partners. Project failure due to lack of clinical efficacy during development remains an issue and can in part be attributed to inadequate pre-clinical target validation or clinical translation data. Target validation is […]
Webinar – Understanding the PK / PD Relationship
MDC Connects is a series of informative webinars covering the drug discovery process, from our own experts and experts at our CRO network partners. Understanding the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) relationship in preclinical models is crucial to predicting an efficacious dose regime in man. Preclinical PK-PD analysis investigates the dose-response relationship of exposure and biological effect. The […]
Webinar – Chemistry and Formulation
MDC Connects is a series of informative webinars covering the drug discovery process, from our own experts and experts at our CRO network partners. The chemistry discipline is instrumental at all stages of drug discovery, from the creation of diverse or targeted libraries for screening, through design, synthesis, formulation and ultimately the scale up and […]
Webinar – Optimising the Compound
MDC Connects is a series of informative webinars covering the drug discovery process, from our own experts and experts at our CRO network partners. For a molecule to be worthy of entering preclinical development it needs to have the desired biological activity, as well as DMPK properties and a safety profile appropriate for the targeted […]
Webinar – Structural Approaches for Drug Discovery
MDC Connects is a series of informative webinars covering the drug discovery process, from our own experts and experts at our CRO network partners. Structural biology is a vital tool in the drug discovery pipeline. Proteins are the targets for most marketed drugs, and so uncovering the molecular structure of the biological target to high […]
Webinar – Connecting the Data Wires
Now more than ever, the need for establishing connections and closer collaboration is a priority for many organisations. Practical steps in establishing the areas for focus and priority isn’t as straight forward as it should initially seem to be. There is often a disconnect between the requirements and the provider solutions meaning that solutions, or […]