At the European QSAR Meeting held in Yugoslavia in 1986, some key participants from the UK identified the niche for a regular simple and effective means to communicate developments in the field. They formed the UK QSAR Discussion Group, later renamed UK QSAR & Chemoinformatics Group to reflect the synergy between these fields, to meet twice yearly at venues throughout the country. Participating affiliations sponsor the Meetings that are frequented by up to 120 delegates in academia, commerce and industry based not only in the UK but also on the continent.
UK QSAR and Cheminformatics Group
Open to all with an interest in QSAR and Chemoinformatics

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Maximising value through th...
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Modern Drug Discovery & Dev...
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Global, research-driven pha...
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Fighting for a life unlimit...
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Transforming mental health ...
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Fund, enable and deliver wo...
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Better Health, Brighter Fut...
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Wellcome exists to improve ...
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Innovative provider of bios...
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Enhancing productivity and ...
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Improving the quality of pe...
Charles River has 90 sites around the globe, that are strategically positioned to coordinate worldwide…
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Pioneer new ways to turn gr...
LifeArc drive medical innovation through their own research and work with a range of partners…
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Creating the next generatio...
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Improving the health of mil...
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Pioneering transformational...
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High quality human tissue s...
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The Science of What's Possi...
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A dynamic and innovative co...
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State-of-the-art equipment ...
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Promoting the true value of...
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Undertaking leading edge sc...
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Brings together specialists...
We work with the University of Leeds – Leeds Microbubbles Consortium on a pioneering method…
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Tackling unmet medical need...
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Connecting researchers with...
Human tissue samples are collected by various researchers and biobanks across the UK, yet, the…
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Provider of quality human t...
Through Tissue Solutions’ global network you can reliably and efficiently source valuable biological material adhering…