Infiltrating the blood-brain barrier

What is it, and why do we need to cross it?

Medicines Discovery Catapult

Photo of Priya Viswanathan

Priya Viswanathan, PhD, is a Senior Scientist in the Complex Cell Models team at Medicines Discovery Catapult. In her previous career in academia, Priya has worked on developing bioengineered in vitro models to understand biomechanical forces that drive adult stem cell fate. She is currently interested in the use of organ-on-a-chip technologies and 3D in vitro models for drug discovery.

Photo of Benedetta Arno

Benedetta Arno, PhD, is a Senior Scientist at Medicines Discovery Catapult. In her previous career as an academic, Benedetta worked in Neuroscience and in fibrosis. She is currently interested in building 3D in vitro models as well as using in vivo pre-clinical imaging to study drug distribution and efficacy.