HIT ID screening – understanding why your target is key

A critical starting point for a drug discovery programme

Target Identification and Validation in Drug Discovery. target biology

Photo of Trevor Askwith

Dr Trevor Askwith is a Group Leader in assay biology with over 10 years’ experience of small-molecule drug discovery research. Prior to joining Domainex, Trevor held the role of Head of Assay Development and Screening in the Drug Discovery Group at UCL, where he ran a number of successful Hit ID for novel targets emerging from the university.

Before joining UCL, Trevor was a Senior Research Fellow in the Drug Discovery Centre at the University of Sussex where he helped to establish the facility as well as develop and run cell-based and biochemical screening assays to support Wellcome Trust and CRUK funded projects. Trevor obtained his PhD from the University of Birmingham working with Prof Martin Stevens where he studied the mechanisms of taurine depletion in diabetic neuropathy.